Flaming River Corporate Social Responsibility Policy


Flaming River Industries has been a manufacturer of aftermarket steering products as well as an OE supplier for battery disconnect switch products for over 25 years. In that time we have been an industry leader in quality parts and have taken quality and customer service very seriously. We have both an ISO registered quality system and environmental quality system in place and monitored since 2014.

Human Rights

Flaming River Industries supports and respects the protection of human rights as laid out by the International Labor Organization and our partners must adhere to these issues and concerns. Anyone that does business with Flaming River agrees to follow the recommendations and articles that they have set forward to protect employee rights.

Health and Safety

Flaming River industries provide a safe workplace and takes measures to promote and ensure a safe, clean work environment. Flaming River also promotes a working environment which allows its employees to report incidents so that actions can be taken to prevent re-occurrence and encourages its partners to do the same.


Flaming River is an ISO 14001 company that promotes reducing its carbon footprint and minimizing contributions to landfills.


Flaming River is committed to doing the right thing, conducting ourselves in a legal and ethical manner, upholding our regulatory obligations, and complying with our business policies.

We are committed to promoting a positive supplier relationship. No Flaming River employee shall permit any influence that could conflict, real or perceived, with the best interest of Flaming River or prejudice our reputation. Whether perceived, suspected or fact, any abuse should be reported immediately to the president of Flaming River.


ISO 14001 Environmental Certification ISO 9001 Quality Certification